GeoGebra Workshop, Zoom delavnica za učitelje Mayo College (India), 25. 2. 2021. (
Lepota in uporabnost geometrije, Zoom predavanje v okviru cikla I<3 Mat, 28. 1. 2020.
The Beauty of Conics, plenarno predavanje na 5-i AIMER International Conference on Mathematics Education, Indore, Indija, December 19 - 22, 2019.
Problem solving session, Lecture - Workshop, Sri Prakash Synergy School, Peddapuram, Andra Pradesh, Indija, December 16 - 17, 2019.
Acta non verba - Dejanja, ne besede, prispevek na 3. nacionalni znanstveni konferenci Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju, PI, SLODRE, CMEPIUS, SAZU, Ljubljana, 25. 9. 2018.
Izobraževanje med utopijo in distopijo, prispevek na posvetu Izobraževanje učiteljev za izzive prihodnosti ob 40-i obletnici CPI, Filozofska fakulteta UL, Ljubljana, 20. 9. 2018.
Mathematics and teaching, Predavanje - delavnica, 50 učiteljev, Sri Prakash Synergy School, Rajahmundry, Andra Pradesh, Indija, 11. 1. 2018.
(Mathematical) Mind Challenges, Predavanje - delavnica, 50 dijakov, Sri Prakash Synergy School, Rajahmundry, Andra Pradesh, Indija, 11. 1. 2018.
(Mathematical) Mind Challenges, (4 ure) Predavanje - delavnica, 150 dijakov, Sri Prakash Synergy School, Peddapuram, Andra Pradesh, Indija, 10. 1. 2018.
Logos – the Beauty of Word and the Power of Reason, dve predavanji za dijake, Keio Academy of New York, ZDA, 8. 12. 2017.
Mathematics and its educational/social role, predavanje na učiteljskem kolokviju, Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana, ZDA, 1. 12. 2017.
Logos – the Beauty of Word and the Power of Reason, javno predavanje na Saint Mary's College, Carroll Auditorium, Notre Dame, Indiana, ZDA, 3. 11. 2017.
Visualizations and the Concept of Proof in Basic Linear Algebra Teaching, International Linear Algebra Society conference, ILAS 2017: Connections, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, ZDA, 24 - 28. 7. 2017.
O motivaciji in (matematičnem) smislu - Kaj mi pomeni matematika?, Predavanje in delavnica, Srečanje med učitelji matematike OŠ in SŠ, Gimnazija Velenje, ŠC Velenje, Velenje, 21.3.2016.
Matematika med vedenjem in razumevanjem, Strokovno srečanje za učitelje, Sodoben pouk zgodovine, fizike, matematike in slovenščine, Mladinska knjiga, Hotel Primus, Ptuj, 10.3.2016.
Matematika med vedenjem in razumevanjem, Strokovno srečanje za učitelje fizike, matematike in zgodovine, Mladinska knjiga, Mhotel, Ljubljana, 1.3.2016.
O matematiki, Predstavitev za OŠ Idrija, Naravoslovni dan, OM FMF, Ljubljana, 21.9.2015.
Science or Common Sense?, Zaključno predavanje (Concluding lecture), Mednarodna poletna šola za učitelje (International summer school for teachers), Škofijska klasična gimnazija, Ljubljana - Šentvid, 28.8.2015.
Zakaj je matematika (ne)potrebna?, Predstavitev za OŠ Idrija, Naravoslovni dan, OM FMF, Ljubljana, 23.9.2014.
O naravoslovju in znanosti, Predstavitev za OŠ Idrija, Naravoslovni dan, OM FMF, Ljubljana, 14.9.2010.
ICME-11 (International Congress on Mathematical Education), Monterrey, Mehika 2008 - Vtisi, FMF seminar za učitelje matematike, FMF. Ljubljana, 20.9.2008.
O matematiki, Predstavitev za OŠ Idrija, Po poteh slovenskih matematikov, OM FMF, Ljubljana, 20.6.2008.
Moderna tehnologija in stare matematične ideje, Projektni teden, Gimnazija Novo Mesto, Novo Mesto, 2.4.2008.
Tantrix - zabavno kravžljanje možganov, Projektni teden, Gimnazija Novo Mesto, Novo Mesto, 2.4.2008.
Zakaj je matematika (ne)potrebna?, Projektni teden, Gimnazija Novo Mesto, Novo Mesto, 2.4.2008.
O uporabnosti in pomenu matematike, Gimnazija in ekonomska šola, ŠC Srečka Kosovela Sežana, Sežana, 14.2.2008.
Numbers, Matrices, Polynomials and Polynomial Zeros – Learning from Analogy, July 10, 2024, 90 min Workshop, 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME-15, Sydney, Australia, July 7-14, 2024.
The Mystery of Primes and the Secrets of their Reciprocal Relatedness (About the limits of human mind and computers), July 9, 2024, 90 min Workshop, 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME-15, Sydney, Australia, July 7-14, 2024.
The Power and the Limits of Visualizations, International Linear Algebra Society conference, ILAS 2023: Madrid, Spain, June 12-16, 2023.
Reciprocally Related Primes, plenarno predavanje na 6-i AIMER International Conference on Mathematics Education, Tirupati, India, January 6 - 9, 2023.
Matrix zeros of polynomials, International Linear Algebra Society conference, ILAS 2022: Galway, Ireland, June 20-24, 2022.
From the Power of Intuition to the Beauty of Abstraction, July 14, 2021, on-line 90 min Workshop, 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME-14, Shanghai, July 11-18, 2021.
Acta, Non Verba - Actions, Not Words, TSG 34 Affect, Beliefs, and Identity of Mathematics Teachers, Poster, 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME-14, Shanghai, July 11-18, 2021.
The Beauty of Conics, plenarno predavanje na 5-i AIMER International Conference on Mathematics Education, Indore, Indija, December 19 - 22, 2019.
From Ancient Mathematics to Modern Technology, vabljeno predavanje na '3rd AIMER International Conference on Mathematics Education', Pune, Indija, 5 - 8 januar 2018.
Visualizations and the Concept of Proof in Basic Linear Algebra Teaching, International Linear Algebra Society conference, ILAS 2017: Connections, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, ZDA, 24 - 28. 7. 2017.
The Power of Geometry in the Concept of Proof, Workshop, 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME-13,
Hamburg, July 24-31, 2016.
STEM Education Centre experts invited meeting, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, May 2-4, 2016.
(Močnikova) matematika: razumevanje in smisel. DMFA Slovenije, Cerkno, oktober 24-25, 2014.
Matematika med vedenjem in razumevanjem (Mathematics between knowing and understanding), (vabljeno plenarno predavanje), 2. mednarodna Konferenca o učenju in poučevanju matematike KUPM 2014 (2nd International Conference on Learning and Teaching Mathematics KUPM2014), Čatež, avgust 21-22, 2014.
(et al.) Connecting transformational geometry and transformations of functions. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2013, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, Park City, ZDA, 30.6.-7.7.2013.
(et al.) Geometric transformations sequence. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2013, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, Park City, ZDA, 30.6.-7.7.2013.
(et al.) The use of dynamic geometry software in the teaching and learning of geometry through transformations. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2013, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, Park City, ZDA, 30.6.-7.7.2013.
Technology and simple math ideas inspire teaching. The 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Korea National University of Education, Seul, Korea, July 8-15, 2012.
The art of teaching is being smartly simple - GeoGebra role model. 2nd International GeoGebra Conference, Hagenberg, Austria, August 29-31 2011.
Umetnost poučevanja je v pametni preprostosti - GeoGebrino zrcalo. DMFA Slovenije, Portorož, oktober 28-29, 2011.
(et al.) Complex numbers in teacher education: connecting mathematics and pedagogy. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2013, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, Park City, ZDA, julij 3-10, 2011.
(et al.) Reflections on the history of complex numbers. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2011, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, Park City, ZDA, julij 3-10, 2011.
(et al.) A learning progression for complex numbers. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2011, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, Park City, ZDA, julij 3-10, 2011.
(et al.) Integrating algebra and geometry with complex numbers. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2011, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, Park City, ZDA, julij 3-10, 2011.
(z B. Hvala). Merjenje kvalitete. Posvet o poučevanju fizike, kemije in matematike, Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana, 22. septembra 2010.
Zašto je matematika nepotrebna? 8. festival znanosti, Rijeka, April 19-23, 2010.
The teacher's authority and responsibility - a historical perspective on recent pseudo-scientific metrics in education. International History, Philosophy, and Science Teaching Group Biennial Conference, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, ZDA, June 24-28, 2009.
The use of GeoGebra to motivate, to present and to deepen the comprehension of math (invited keynote talk). First International GeoGebra Conference, Hagenberg, Austria, July 14-15, 2009.
Najpomembnejši didaktični pripomoček. DMFA Slovenije, Bled, november 6-7, 2009.
From mathematics to technology and backwards by intuition. Frontiers in science education research, International conference on science and mathematics education research, Famagusta, North Cyprus, March 22-24, 2009.
The use of technology to motivate, to present and to deepen the comprehension of math. The mathematics education into the 21st century project, The 10th International Conference "Models in Developing Mathematics Education", Dresden, Germany, September 11-17, 2009.
Logos - Lepota besede in moč argumenta (vabljeno predavanje). Jeziki v izobraževanju (Languages in education) Ljubljana, September 25-26, 2008.
The arithmetic mean and car differential. 11th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Monterrey, Mexico, July 6-13, 2008.
Ancient mathematical ideas and their applicability in technology and teaching. 42. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fur Didaktik der Mathematik, Budapest, Hungary, March 14-16, 2008.
Preverjanje, vrednotenje, merjenje ali ocenjevanje znanja. DMFA Slovenije, Podčetrtek, november 7-8, 2008.
The illusion of objectivity or the objectivity of responsibility. 11th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Monterrey, Mexico, July 6-13, 2008.
(z dvema soavtorjema). Dinamična geometrija z RiŠ-em in GeoGebro (Dinamic geometry with CaR and GeoGebra). Mednarodna konferenca Splet izobraževanja in raziskovanja z IKT (International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT), SIRIKT 2008, Kranjska Gora, april 16-19, 2008.
(z dvema soavtorjema). Nekatera odprtokodna orodja za e-gradiva (Some opensource Tools in e-learning). Mednarodna konferenca Splet izobraževanja in raziskovanja z IKT (International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT), SIRIKT 2008, Kranjska Gora, april 16-19, 2008.
(s tremi soavtorji). Retrospektiva E-um projekta (Retrospection of the E-um project). Mednarodna konferenca Splet izobraževanja in raziskovanja z IKT (International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT), SIRIKT 2008, Kranjska Gora, april 16-19, 2008.
(z dvema soavtorjema). E-um izhodišča in E-um načrti v luči odzivov uporabnikov (The origins, the plans and E-um users feedback). Mednarodna konferenca Splet izobraževanja in raziskovanja z IKT (International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT), SIRIKT 2008, Kranjska Gora, april 16-19, 2008.
The arithmetic mean and car differential. The 2nd International Symposium on Mathematics and its Connections to the Arts and Sciences (MACAS2), Centre for Science and Mathematics Education, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, May 29-31, 2007.
Motivacija ali manipulacija z računalnikom. DMFA Slovenije, Podčetrtek, november 9-10, 2007.
(z dvema soavtorjema). E-um learning in e-society. 2nd International Conference on e-Learning, New York, June 28-29, 2007.
(z B. Zmazek). (E-)Mind thinking in E-learning. Conference "eLearning in a new Europe", Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur, Eisenstadt, Austria, October 4-6, 2007.
(z dvema soavtorjema). Vsebinska zasnova in iz nje izhajajoča aksiomatika E-um gradiv (The content principles and axioms of E-um materials). Mednarodna konferenca Splet izobraževanja in raziskovanja z IKT, SIRIKT 2007, Kranjska Gora, april 19- 21, 2007.
(s štirimi soavtorji). Projekt e-um in vizija e-učenja (E-um project and the vision of e-learning). Mednarodna konferenca Splet izobraževanja in raziskovanja z IKT, SIRIKT 2007, Kranjska Gora, april 19- 21, 2007.
(z dvema soavtorjema). Načela didaktike in zdrava pamet pri e-učenju (Principles of didactics and common sense in e-learning environment). Mednarodna konferenca Splet izobraževanja in raziskovanja z IKT, SIRIKT 2007, Kranjska Gora, april 19- 21, 2007.
(z dvema soavtorjema). Sistem vodenja kakovosti projekta E-um (The quality management system of E-um project). Mednarodna konferenca Splet izobraževanja in raziskovanja z IKT, SIRIKT 2007, Kranjska Gora, april 19- 21, 2007.
(z dvema soavtorjema). Delavnica: e-učenje z RiŠ-em (Workshop: e-learning with RiŠ). Mednarodna konferenca Splet izobraževanja in raziskovanja z IKT (International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT), SIRIKT 2007, Kranjska Gora, april 19- 21, 2007.
Ocenjevanje matematičnega znanja - iluzija objektivnosti. DMFA Slovenije, november 25-26, 2005.
Recontextualisation of mathematics, Mednarodna konferenca o realistični matematiki, Škofijska klasična gimnazija, Ljubljana - Šentvid, 2003.
Dynamic HUMAN Resources Management: In Search of a Meaningful Definition and Application, Mednarodna konferenca GEA College, Portorož, Februar 2002.
Numbers, Matrices, Polynomials and Polynomial Zeros – Learning from Analogy, July 10, 2024, 90 min Workshop, 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME-15, Sydney, Australia, July 7-14, 2024.
The Mystery of Primes and the Secrets of their Reciprocal Relatedness (About the limits of human mind and computers), July 9, 2024, 90 min Workshop, 15th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME-15, Sydney, Australia, July 7-14, 2024.
From the Power of Intuition to the Beauty of Abstraction, July 14, 2021, on-line 90 min Workshop, 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME-14, Shanghai, July 11-18, 2021.
Mathematics and teaching, Predavanje - delavnica, 50 učiteljev, Sri Prakash Synergy School, Rajahmundry, Andra Pradesh, Indija, 11. 1. 2018.
(Mathematical) Mind Challenges, Predavanje - delavnica, 50 dijakov, Sri Prakash Synergy School, Rajahmundry, Andra Pradesh, Indija, 11. 1. 2018.
(Mathematical) Mind Challenges, (4 ure) Predavanje - delavnica, 150 dijakov, Sri Prakash Synergy School, Peddapuram, Andra Pradesh, Indija, 10. 1. 2018.
Mednarodna poletna šola: (European ScienceMath-Teacher Trainings) New ways of teaching mathematics and physics – practical and cross-curricular approach; predavatelj in organizacija s T. Golež, Ljubljana, 19-23. Avgust 2013.
Mednarodna poletna šola: (European ScienceMath-Teacher Trainings) New ways of teaching mathematics and physics – practical and cross-curricular approach; predavatelj in organizacija s T. Golež, Ljubljana, 20-24. Avgust 2012.
Mednarodna poletna šola: (European ScienceMath-Teacher Trainings) New ways of teaching mathematics and physics – practical and cross-curricular approach; predavatelj in organizacija s T. Golež, Ljubljana, 22-26. Avgust 2011.
GeoGebra delavnica, Gimnazija in srednja šola Rudolf Maister, Kamnik, 17 in 24.10.2011
Mednarodna poletna šola: (European ScienceMath-Teacher Trainings) New ways of teaching mathematics and physics – practical and cross-curricular approach; predavatelj in organizacija s T. Golež, Ljubljana, 23-27. Avgust 2010.
GeoGebra delavnica, Gimnazija Bežigrad, Ljubljana, 27.11.2009.
Mednarodna poletna šola: (European ScienceMath-Teacher Trainings) Cooperation Between Mathematics And Sciences - From Research Towards Enhanced Teaching; predavatelj in organizacija s T. Golež, Ljubljana, 24-28. Avgust 2009.
(et al.) GeoGebra delavnica (12 ur, 2x), FMF seminar za učitelje matematike, FMF. Ljubljana, 12.9.2008, 19.9.2008, 30.1.2009 in 6.2.2009.
(Skupinski mednarodni: Danska, Finska, Nemčija, Slovenija). Mathematical literacy and cross curricular competencies through interdisciplinarity, mathematising and modelling science, Mednarodni Science Math izobraževalni EU projekt, 2006 - 2009.
Avtomobilizem, računalništvo, informacijska tehnologija in matematika, Projekt Evropskega Socialnega sklada in Ministrstva za šolstvo, znanost in šport RS, Promocijska predavanja in delavnice po šolskih kolektivih, 2005-2006.
Priprave, izvedba in refleksija pouka, Projekt Evropskega Socialnega sklada in Ministrstva za šolstvo, znanost in šport RS, Predavanja in delavnice po šolskih kolektivih, 2005-2006.
S samorefleksijo do boljšega dela, Projekt Evropskega Socialnega sklada in Ministrstva za šolstvo, znanost in šport RS, Predavanja in delavnice po šolskih kolektivih, 2005-2006.
(pet soavtorjev). Mednarodna primerjalna analiza poteka učnih ur pri pouku matematike in naravoslovja v 8. razredu osnovne šole (raziskava na osnovi IEA TIMSS in TIMSS-R Video Studies). Raziskovalni projekt v okviru ciljnih raziskovalnih programov na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja ter športa za leto 2000. Pedagoški inštitut, Ljubljana, 2000 - 2003.
Sabotaža (javnega) šolstva, Delo, 21. marca 2023, st. 7; spletna povezava.
Sabotaža prihodnosti, Dnevnik, Objektiv, 11. marca 2023, st. 14-15; spletna povezava.
Intervju: Pogovor s profesorjem Jožetom Vrabcem, Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, letn. 69, št. 4, str. 140-165, 2022.
Intervju: Pogovor s profesorjem Antonom Suhadolcem, Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, letn. 69, št. 2, str. 57-87, 2022.
Intervju: Pogovor s profesorjem Josipom Grassellijem, Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, letn. 63, št. 3, str. 100-113, 2016.
Intervju: Pogovor s profesorjem Črtomirom Zupančičem, Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, letn. 58, št. 2, str. 51-92, 2011.
Intervju: Tomaž Schara, Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, letn. 57, št. 1, str. 20-38, 2010.
Intervju: Boris Kham. Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, letn. 56, št. 6, str. 214-232, 2009.
Intervju: Gospod Janez Golja, vodja centra za forenzične raziskave, Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, letn. 55, št. 4, str. 140-160, 2008.
Intervju: Pogovor s profesorjem Ivanom Vidavom ob 40. obletnici smrti prof. Josipa Plemlja, Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, letn. 54, št. 6, str. 202-226, 2007.
Intervju: Rudolf Moge, poslanec v Državnem zboru RS, Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, letn. 54, št. 2, str. 40-48, 2007.
Intervju: Prof. dr. Dušan Petrač, Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, letn. 53, št. 5, str. 145-155, 2006.
Intervju: Bojan Dremelj, Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, letn. 53, št. 4, str. 119-126, 2006.
From the Power of Intuition to the Beauty of Abstraction, Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Volume I, ed. Jianpan Wang, str. 701-703, ISBN 978-981-12-8937-8, East China Normal University Press in World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2024.
Calculus Between Ancient Times and Covid Pandemic (skupaj s Tine Golež), Poglavje v Mathematics and Its Connections to the Arts and Sciences (MACAS), pg. 325-345, Ured. Michelsen & all., Mathematics Education in the Digital Era, ISBN # 978-3-031-10517-3, Springer, 2022.
Matrix zeros of polynomials, The Mathematical Gazette, Volume 104, Number 559, str. 27-35, March 2020, Cambridge University press, 2020.
Linear Algebra — A Companion of Advancement in Mathematical Comprehension, Poglavje v Challenges and Strategies in Teaching Linear Algebra, Ured. Stewart & all., ICME-13 Monographs, str. 279-298, ISBN # 978-3-319-66810-9, Springer, 2018.
The Power of Geometry in the Concept of Proof, Proceedings of the 13th International Congress
on Mathematical Education, ICME-13 Monographs, G. Kaiser - Editor, (Conference Proceedings), pg. 735-736, Springer Open, Hamburg, 2016.
Matematika med vedenjem in razumevanjem (Mathematics between knowing and understanding), 2. mednarodna Konferenca o učenju in poučevanju matematike KUPM 2014, Zbornik prispevkov (2nd International Conference on Learning and Teaching Mathematics KUPM2014, Conference Proceedings), Čatež, avgust 21-22, 2014, Zavod RS za šolstvo / National Education Institute Slovenia, Ljubljana, 2015.
(et al.) Connecting transformational geometry and transformations of functions. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2013, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, 10 str., Park City, ZDA, 2013.
(et al.) Geometric transformations sequence. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2013, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, 10 str., Park City, ZDA, 2013.
(et al.) The use of dynamic geometry software in the teaching and learning of geometry through transformations. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2013, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, 13 str., Park City, ZDA, 2013.
(z B. Hvala), Ob rob prispevka Petra Preloga o stanju v našem šolstvu. Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, letn. 59, št. 4, str. 142-146, 2012.
Technology and simple math ideas inspire teaching. The 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Seul, Korea, Korea National University of Education, 7 str., 2012.
(s še 22 soavtorji), Odvračamo najboljše. Šolski razgledi, 12. maj 2011.
(et al.) Complex numbers in teacher education: connecting mathematics and pedagogy. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2013, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, 3 str., Park City, ZDA, 2011.
(et al.) Reflections on the history of complex numbers. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2011, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, 4 str., Park City, ZDA, 2011.
(et al.) A learning progression for complex numbers. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2011, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, 7 str., Park City, ZDA, 2011.
(et al.) Integrating algebra and geometry with complex numbers. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2011, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, 9 str., Park City, ZDA, 2011.
(z B. Hvala). Merjenje kvalitete. Posvet o poučevanju fizike, kemije in matematike, SAZU, 22. septembra 2010, (Zbirka Znanje kot vrednota, 2), str. 44-51. Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti, Ljubljana, 2011.
Merjenje kakovosti (z B. Hvala), Šolski razgledi, 16. številka, 15. oktober 2010.
Merjenje kakovosti (z B. Hvala), Vzgoja 47, leto XII/3, oktober 2010.
Merjenje kakovosti (z B. Hvala), Obzornik za matematiko, Letnik 57, 4, 2010.
From mathematics to technology and backwards by intuition. Frontiers in science education research, International conference on science and mathematics education research, Famagusta, North Cyprus. Famagusta: Eastern Mediterranean University Press, str. 423-431, 2009.
The use of technology to motivate, to present and to deepen the comprehension of math. The mathematics education into the 21st century project, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference "Models in Developing Mathematics Education", Dresden, Germany, str. 331-332, 2009.
(z dvema soavtorjema). Dinamična geometrija z RiŠ-em in GeoGebro (Dinamic geometry with CaR and GeoGebra). Zbornik, Mednarodna konferenca Splet izobraževanja in raziskovanja z IKT (International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT), SIRIKT 2008, Kranjska Gora, str. 746-749, 2008.
(z dvema soavtorjema). Nekatera odprtokodna orodja za e-gradiva (Some opensource Tools in e-learning). Zbornik, Mednarodna konferenca Splet izobraževanja in raziskovanja z IKT (International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT), SIRIKT 2008, Kranjska Gora, str. 750-753, 2008.
(s tremi soavtorji). Retrospektiva E-um projekta (Retrospection of the E-um project). Mednarodna konferenca Splet izobraževanja in raziskovanja z IKT (International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT),, SIRIKT 2008, Kranjska Gora, str. 321-326, 2008.
(z dvema soavtorjema). E-um izhodišča in E-um načrti v luči odzivov uporabnikov (The origins, the plans and E-um users feedback). Mednarodna konferenca Splet izobraževanja in raziskovanja z IKT (International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT),, SIRIKT 2008, Kranjska Gora, str. 327-331. 2008.
The arithmetic mean and car differential. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Mathematics and its Connections to the Arts and Sciences (MACAS2), Centre for Science and Mathematics Education, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, str. 107-116, 2008.
Matematično izobraževanje pri nas in po svetu. Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, let. 45, št. 2, str. 43-50, 1998.
Logos - Lepota besede in moč argumenta. Zbornik prispevkov konference (proceedings): Jeziki v izobraževanju (Languages in education), Ljubljana, 25.-26. septembra 2008, str. 231-238, Zavod RS za šolstvo, Ljubljana, 2008.
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