Damjan Kobal
teacher, assistant professor
Office: P28, Ground floor, Jadranska 21, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel: +386 (0)1 4766 705; Reception, switchboard: +386 (0)1 4766 600
E-mail: damjan.kobal@fmf.uni-lj.si

  • Ph.D., Mathematics, University of Notre Dame, USA, 1995.
  • M.Sc., Mathematics, University of Notre Dame, USA, 1992.
  • M.Sc., Mathematics, University of Ljubljana, 1989.
  • B.Sc., Mathematics, University of Ljubljana, 1985.

  • Teacher, Assistant professor; FMF UL, 2000 - ....
  • Part time research, IMFM, 1995 - 2010.
  • Assistant, FMF UL, 1995 - 2000.
  • Teaching Assistant, University of Notre Dame, USA, 1991 - 1995.
  • Ph.D. Student, University of Notre Dame, USA, 1990 - 1995.
  • MR; IMFM, 1990 - 1993.
  • Assistant, MR; FMF UL in IMFM, 1987 - 1990.
  • Assistant, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, 1985 - 1987.

  • Head of Educational Mathematics program, 2000 - 2020
  • Head of FMF seminar for teachers, 2002 - ....
  • Deputy Head Of Academic Affairs OM FMF 2013-2015.
  • Deputy Head Of Academic Affairs OM FMF 2009-2011.

  • Didaktika matematike 1 (Didactics of Mathematics 1)
  • Didaktika matematike 2 (Didactics of Mathematics 2)
  • Pedagoška praksa (Teaching practice)
  • Dinamična geometrija (Dynamic Geometry)
  • Matematika (Mathematics, Faculty of Health Sciences)
In the past also
  • Elementarna geometrija (Elementary Geometry)
  • Proseminar A
  • Elementarna matematika (Elementary Mathematics)
  • Linearna algebra (Linear Algebra)
  • Matematika (Mathematics, Faculty of Computer and Information Science)
  • Mathematics za inženirje (Calculus)
  • Mathematics v praksi (Mathematics in Practice)
  • Poslovna matematika (Business Mathematics)

  • The Power and the Limits of Visualizations, International Linear Algebra Society conference, ILAS 2023: Madrid, Spain, June 12-16, 2023.
  • The Beauty and the Applicability of Mathematics [in SLO], lecture, Gimnazija Koper (high school), February 1, 2023.
  • Reciprocally Related Primes, plenary lecture at 6th AIMER International Conference on Mathematics Education, Tirupati, India, January 6 - 9, 2023.
  • (Matrix) Zeros of polynomials, ILAS-Education Monthly (web) Seminar Fall 2022, September 27, 2022.
  • Matrix zeros of polynomials, International Linear Algebra Society conference, ILAS 2022: Galway, Ireland, June 20-24, 2022.
  • About the limits of human mind and those of a computer [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 28.1.2022.
  • GeoGebra Workshop, Zoom workshop for Mayo College (India) teachers, March 1, 2021 (https://ko.fmf.uni-lj.si/ws/).
  • GeoGebra Workshop, Zoom workshop for Mayo College (India) teachers, February 25, 2021 (https://ko.fmf.uni-lj.si/ws/).
  • The Beauty and the Applicability of Geometry, Zoom lecture within the popular cycle I<3 Mat, January 28, 2020.
  • The Beauty of Conics, plenary lecture at 5th AIMER International Conference on Mathematics Education, Indore, India, December 19 - 22, 2019.
  • Problem solving session, Lecture - Workshop, Sri Prakash Synergy School, Peddapuram, Andra Pradesh, India, December 16 - 17, 2019.
  • Acta non verba - Actions not words [in SLO], contribution at the 3. national science conference Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju (Research in education), PI, SLODRE, CMEPIUS, SAZU, Ljubljana, 25. 9. 2018.
  • From fractions to Integral [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 22.9.2018.
  • Puzzles without words [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 21.9.2018.
  • Izobraževanje med utopijo in distopijo (Education between utopia and dystopia) [in SLO], contribution at the meeting Izobraževanje učiteljev za izzive prihodnosti (Teacher education for future challenges), CPI, Filozofska fakulteta UL, Ljubljana, 20. 9. 2018.
  • Mathematics and teaching, Lecture - Workshop, 50 teachers, Sri Prakash Synergy School, Rajahmundry, Andra Pradesh, India, January 11, 2018.
  • (Mathematical) Mind Challenges, Lecture - Workshop, 50 students, Sri Prakash Synergy School, Rajahmundry, Andra Pradesh, India, January 11, 2018.
  • (Mathematical) Mind Challenges, (4 hours) Lecture - Workshop, 150 students, Sri Prakash Synergy School, Peddapuram, Andra Pradesh, India, January 10, 2018.
  • Logos – the Beauty of Word and the Power of Reason, two lectures for students, Keio Academy of New York, USA, December 8, 2017.
  • Mathematics and its educational/social role, talk at Faculty Colloquium, Saint Mary's College, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, December 1, 2017.
  • Logos – the Beauty of Word and the Power of Reason, public lecture at Saint Mary's College, Carroll Auditorium, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA, November 3, 2017.
  • Visualizations and the Concept of Proof in Basic Linear Algebra Teaching, International Linear Algebra Society conference, ILAS 2017: Connections, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA, July 24 - 28, 2017.
  • ICME-13 [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 1.10.2016.
  • About motivation and (mathematical) sense - What does mathematics mean (to me)? [in SLO], Lecture and workshop, Meeting between primary and high school mathematics teachers, Velenje High School (Gymnasium), Educational Centre Velenje, Velenje, 21.3.2016.
  • Mathematics between knowing and understanding [in SLO], Professional meeting for teachers, Modern teaching of History, Physics, Mathematics and Language (Slovenian), Mladinska knjiga (publisher), Hotel Primus, Ptuj, 10.3.2016.
  • Mathematics between knowing and understanding [in SLO], Professional meeting for teachers, Modern teaching of History, Physics, and Mathematics, Mladinska knjiga (publisher), Mhotel, Ljubljana, 1.3.2016.
  • Is beauty in the eye of the beholder? [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 29.1.2016.
  • About mathematics [in SLO], Presentation for the Idrija prime school, Natural sciences day, OM FMF, Ljubljana, 21.9.2015.
  • Science or Common Sense? [in ENG], Concluding lecture, International summer school for teachers, Diocesan Classical Gymnasium, St. Stanislav’s Institution, Ljubljana - Šentvid, 28.8.2015.
  • Why is mathematics useless? [in SLO], Presentation for the Idrija prime school, Natural sciences day, OM FMF, Ljubljana, 23.9.2014.
  • The geometry of folding paper [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 19.9.2014
  • Fibonacci numbers and apperent contradictions [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 20.9.2013.
  • Why is mathematics useless? [in SLO], Presentation for the Idrija prime school, Natural sciences day, OM FMF, Ljubljana, 19.9.2013.
  • Managing (mental) portfolio [in SLO], Natural sciences week, Vič Gymnasium, Ljubljana, 12.3.2013.
  • Parabola's section area [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 26.1.2013.
  • Problem solving and problematisation of solutions [in SLO], Workshop, Gymnasium teacher training, National Education Institute Slovenia, Ljubljana, 5.1.2013.
  • ICME - 12 [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 22.9.2012.
  • Once again about the conics [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 21.9.2012.
  • About mathematics and natural sciences [in SLO], Presentation for the Idrija prime school, Natural sciences day, OM FMF, Ljubljana, 20.9.2012.
  • Logos – the beauty of word and the power of argument or Whay is Mathematics useless? [in SLO], Lecture for gymnasium students, First Gymnasium Maribor, Maribor, 23.5.2012.
  • Coded award [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 4.2.2012.
  • Why is Mathematics useless? [in SLO], Lecture within science week, Vič Gymnasium, Ljubljana, 10.3.2011.
  • From simple geometric problems to projective plane [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 5.2.2011.
  • About Mathematics and Science [in SLO], Presentation for Idrija prime school students, Science day, OM FMF, Ljubljana, 14.9.2010.
  • ICME-11 (International Congress on Mathematical Education) [in SLO], Monterrey, Mehika 2008 - Overview, FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 20.9.2008.
  • About Mathematics [in SLO], Presentation for Idrija prime school students, Following the path of Slovenian mathematicians, OM FMF, Ljubljana, 20.6.2008.
  • Modern technology and old Mathematical ideas [in SLO], Science week, Gymnasium Novo Mesto, Novo Mesto, 2.4.2008.
  • Tantrix - entertaining brain gym [in SLO], Science week, Gymnasium Novo Mesto, Novo Mesto, 2.4.2008.
  • Why is Mathematics useless? [in SLO], Science week, Gymnasium Novo Mesto, Novo Mesto, 2.4.2008.
  • About Applicability and Significance of Mathematics [in SLO], Gymnasium and Ecconomic School, Educational Centre Srečko Kosovel Sežana, Sežana, 14.2.2008.
  • (et al.), Round table about grading [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 2.2.2008.
  • Introduction (initial teaching and content challenges) [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 1.2.2008.
  • Introduction (initial teaching and content challenges) [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 21.9.2007.
  • From inscribed angle to magic circle [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 3.2.2007.
  • Introduction (initial teaching and content challenges) [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 2.2.2007.
  • E-um II (presentation of interactive learning site) [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 30.9.2006.
  • E-um I (presentation of interactive learning site) [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 29.9.2006.
  • Mathematics between intuition and abstraction [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 4.2.2006.
  • Introduction (initial teaching and content challenges) [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 3.2.2006.
  • Thinking and entertainment with the game of Tantrix [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 24.9.2005.
  • Introduction (initial teaching and content challenges) [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 23.9.2005.
  • Why is Mathematics useless? [in SLO], Mathematics camp Libelice, Gymnasium Ptuj, 17.3.2005.
  • Simplicity in the learning of Mathematics [in SLO], Gymnasium teacher training, Within National Education Institute workshop for the renewal of Gymnasium mathematics teaching, Ljubljana, 5.1.2013.
  • Introduction - seven recipies for the teaching of matahematics [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 28.1.2005.
  • Logos - the beauty of word and the power of argument [in SLO], Miklošič days, Gymnasium Ljutomer, 19.11.2004.
  • Tantrix, FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 25.9.2004.
  • Introduction (initial teaching and content challenges) [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 24.9.2004.
  • Dynamic Human Interactions with Truth/God [in SLO], The Union of Christian Business Executives of Slovenia, Ljubljana, 16.2.2004.
  • Recontectualisation of mathematics: Concrete problems of teaching and learning [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 24.1.2004.
  • Checkmate in two moves – motivation and strategy [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 26.9.2003.
  • Mathematics, how do you reach beyond the school subject? [in SLO], Tuma (publisher), Seminar for teachers, Nova Gorica, Radovljica, several presentations, 2003-2004.
  • Mathematics of Didactics [in SLO], Adaptation for the publication of new textbooks, DZS (publisher), Gymnasium Ledina, 2003.
  • Mathematics of Didactics [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 18.1.2003.
  • E(ste)tics of school Geometry [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 17.1.2003.
  • Simplifying in Mathematics: motivation or duty [in SLO], Seminar for teachers, National Education Institute Slovenia, Several addaptations, 2002-2003.
  • Critical Mathematical Education [in SLO], Seminar for teachers, National Education Institute Slovenia, Several addaptations, 2002.
  • Poklicna matura and Critical Mathematical Education [in SLO], National Education Institute Slovenia, Several addaptations, 2002.
  • Critical Mathematical Education [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 2001/02.
  • From Numbers to Computers [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 1999/2000.
  • Survey 97 for teachers of mathematics - results and comments [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 1998/99.
  • On a Promenade with Mathematics [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 1997/98.
  • Motivational Issues in Mathematics Education (lecture and discussion) [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 1996/97.

  • The Power and the Limits of Visualizations, International Linear Algebra Society conference, ILAS 2023: Madrid, Spain, June 12-16, 2023.
  • Reciprocally Related Primes, plenary lecture at 6th AIMER International Conference on Mathematics Education, Tirupati, India, January 6 - 9, 2023.
  • Matrix zeros of polynomials, International Linear Algebra Society conference, ILAS 2022: Galway, Ireland, June 20-24, 2022.
  • From the Power of Intuition to the Beauty of Abstraction, July 14, 2021, on-line 90 min Workshop, 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME-14, Shanghai, July 11-18, 2021.
  • Acta, Non Verba - Actions, Not Words, TSG 34 Affect, Beliefs, and Identity of Mathematics Teachers, Poster, 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME-14, Shanghai, July 11-18, 2021.
  • The Beauty of Conics, plenary lecture at 5th AIMER International Conference on Mathematics Education, Indore, India, December 19 - 22, 2019.
  • From Ancient Mathematics to Modern Technology, invited lecture at 3rd AIMER International Conference on Mathematics Education, Pune, India, January 5 - 8, 2018.
  • Visualizations and the Concept of Proof in Basic Linear Algebra Teaching, International Linear Algebra Society conference, ILAS 2017: Connections, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA, July 24 - 28, 2017.
  • The Power of Geometry in the Concept of Proof, Workshop, 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME-13, Hamburg, July 24-31, 2016.
  • STEM Education Centre experts invited meeting, Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria, May 2-4, 2016.
  • The Mathematics of Franc Močnik: understanding and sense[in SLO], DMFA Slovenije, Cerkno, oktober 24-25, 2014.
  • Mathematics between knowing and understanding (invited plenary leacture)[in SLO], 2nd International Conference on Learning and Teaching Mathematics, KUPM2014, Čatež, August 21-22, 2014.
  • (et al.) Connecting transformational geometry and transformations of functions. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2013, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, Park City, ZDA, 30.6.-7.7.2013.
  • (et al.) Geometric transformations sequence. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2013, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, Park City, ZDA, 30.6.-7.7.2013.
  • (et al.) The use of dynamic geometry software in the teaching and learning of geometry through transformations. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2013, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, Park City, ZDA, 30.6.-7.7.2013.
  • Technology and simple math ideas inspire teaching. The 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Korea National University of Education, Seul, Korea, July 8-15, 2012.
  • The art of teaching is being smartly simple - GeoGebra role model. 2nd International GeoGebra Conference, Hagenberg, Austria, August 29-31 2011.
  • The art of teaching is smart simplicity - GeoGebra Mirror [in SLO], DMFA Slovenije, Portorož, oktober 28-29, 2011.
  • (et al.) Complex numbers in teacher education: connecting mathematics and pedagogy. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2013, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, Park City, ZDA, julij 3-10, 2011.
  • (et al.) Reflections on the history of complex numbers. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2011, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, Park City, ZDA, julij 3-10, 2011.
  • (et al.) A learning progression for complex numbers. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2011, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, Park City, ZDA, julij 3-10, 2011.
  • (et al.) Integrating algebra and geometry with complex numbers. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2011, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, Park City, ZDA, julij 3-10, 2011.
  • (with B. Hvala). Measuring the Quality [in SLO], Discussion about the teaching of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SAZU), Ljubljana, september 22, 2010.
  • Why is mathematics useless? [in CRO], 8th Science Festival, Rijeka, Croatia, April 19-23, 2010.
  • The teacher's authority and responsibility - a historical perspective on recent pseudo-scientific metrics in education. International History, Philosophy, and Science Teaching Group Biennial Conference, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, ZDA, June 24-28, 2009.
  • The use of GeoGebra to motivate, to present and to deepen the comprehension of math (invited keynote talk). First International GeoGebra Conference, Hagenberg, Austria, July 14-15, 2009.
  • The most important didactical gadget, DMFA Slovenije [in SLO], Bled, november 6-7, 2009.
  • From mathematics to technology and backwards by intuition. Frontiers in science education research, International conference on science and mathematics education research, Famagusta, North Cyprus, March 22-24, 2009.
  • The use of technology to motivate, to present and to deepen the comprehension of math. The mathematics education into the 21st century project, The 10th International Conference "Models in Developing Mathematics Education", Dresden, Germany, September 11-17, 2009.
  • Logos - The Beauty of Word and the Power of Argument (invited plenary lecture), Languages in education, Ljubljana, September 25-26, 2008.
  • The arithmetic mean and car differential. 11th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Monterrey, Mexico, July 6-13, 2008.
  • Ancient mathematical ideas and their applicability in technology and teaching. 42. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fur Didaktik der Mathematik, Budapest, Hungary, March 14-16, 2008.
  • Following, Evaluating or Measuring student's knowledge. DMFA Slovenije [in SLO], Podčetrtek, november 7-8, 2008.
  • The illusion of objectivity or the objectivity of responsibility. 11th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Monterrey, Mexico, July 6-13, 2008.
  • (et al.) Dynamic Geometry with CaR and GeoGebra [in SLO], International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT, SIRIKT 2008, Kranjska Gora, april 16-19, 2008.
  • (et al.) Some Opensource Tools in e-learning [in SLO], International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT, SIRIKT 2008, Kranjska Gora, april 16-19, 2008.
  • (et al.) Retrospection of the E-um project [in SLO], International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT, SIRIKT 2008, Kranjska Gora, april 16-19, 2008.
  • (et al.) The origins, the plans and E-um users feedback [in SLO], International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT, SIRIKT 2008, Kranjska Gora, april 16-19, 2008.
  • The arithmetic mean and car differential. The 2nd International Symposium on Mathematics and its Connections to the Arts and Sciences (MACAS2), Centre for Science and Mathematics Education, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, May 29-31, 2007.
  • Motivation or Manipulation with a Computer [in SLO], DMFA Slovenije, Podčetrtek, november 9-10, 2007.
  • (et al.) E-um learning in e-society. 2nd International Conference on e-Learning, New York, June 28-29, 2007.
  • (with B. Zmazek). (E-)Mind thinking in E-learning. Conference "eLearning in a new Europe", Bundesministerium für Unterricht, Kunst und Kultur, Eisenstadt, Austria, October 4-6, 2007.
  • (et al.) The content principles and axioms of E-um materials [in SLO], International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT, SIRIKT 2007, Kranjska Gora, april 19- 21, 2007.
  • (et al.) E-um project and the vision of e-learning [in SLO], International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT, SIRIKT 2007, Kranjska Gora, april 19- 21, 2007.
  • (et al.) Principles of didactics and common sense in e-learning environment [in SLO], International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT, SIRIKT 2007, Kranjska Gora, april 19- 21, 2007.
  • (et al.) The quality management system of E-um project [in SLO], International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT, SIRIKT 2007, Kranjska Gora, april 19- 21, 2007.
  • (et al.) Workshop: e-learning with CaR [in SLO], International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT, SIRIKT 2007, Kranjska Gora, april 19- 21, 2007.
  • The Grading of Mathematical Knowledge - the illusion of objectivity [in SLO], DMFA Slovenije, november 25-26, 2005.
  • Recontextualisation of mathematics, International Conference about Realistic Mathematics, Diocesan Classical Gymnasium, St. Stanislav’s Institution, Ljubljana - Šentvid, 2003.
  • Dynamic Human Resources Management: In Search of a Meaningful Definition and Application, International Conference, GEA College, Portorož, Februar 2002.

  • Head of FMF seminar for teachers (2002 - )
  • Head and lecturer of FMF seminar: Mathematics between primary and secondary school (2014 - )
  • Mathematics and teaching, Lecture - Workshop, 50 teachers, Sri Prakash Synergy School, Rajahmundry, Andra Pradesh, India, January 11, 2018.
  • (Mathematical) Mind Challenges, (Lecture - Workshop, 50 students, Sri Prakash Synergy School, Rajahmundry, Andra Pradesh, India, January 11, 2018.
  • (Mathematical) Mind Challenges, (4 hours) Lecture - Workshop, 150 students, Sri Prakash Synergy School, Peddapuram, Andra Pradesh, India, January 10, 2018.
  • International Summer School: (European ScienceMath-Teacher Trainings) New ways of teaching mathematics and physics – practical and cross-curricular approach; lecturer and organization with T. Golež, Diocesan Classical Gymnasium, St. Stanislav’s Institution, Ljubljana, 19-23. Avgust 2013.
  • International Summer School: (European ScienceMath-Teacher Trainings) New ways of teaching mathematics and physics – practical and cross-curricular approach; lecturer and organization with T. Golež, Diocesan Classical Gymnasium, St. Stanislav’s Institution, Ljubljana, 20-24. Avgust 2012.
  • International Summer School: (European ScienceMath-Teacher Trainings) New ways of teaching mathematics and physics – practical and cross-curricular approach; lecturer and organization with T. Golež, Diocesan Classical Gymnasium, St. Stanislav’s Institution, Ljubljana, 22-26. Avgust 2011.
  • GeoGebra Workshop [in SLO], Gymnasium and Educational Centre Rudolf Maister, Kamnik, 17 and 24.10.2011
  • International Summer School: (European ScienceMath-Teacher Trainings) New ways of teaching mathematics and physics – practical and cross-curricular approach; lecturer and organization with T. Golež, Diocesan Classical Gymnasium, St. Stanislav’s Institution, Ljubljana, 23-27. Avgust 2010.
  • GeoGebra Workshop [in SLO], Gymnasium Bežigrad, Ljubljana, 27.11.2009.
  • International Summer School: (European ScienceMath-Teacher Trainings) Cooperation Between Mathematics And Sciences - From Research Towards Enhanced Teaching; predavatelj in organizacija s T. Golež, Diocesan Classical Gymnasium, St. Stanislav’s Institution, Ljubljana, 24-28. Avgust 2009.
  • (et al.) GeoGebra Workshop (12 ur, 2x) [in SLO], FMF seminar for mathematics teachers, FMF. Ljubljana, 12.9.2008, 19.9.2008, 30.1.2009 in 6.2.2009.

  • International EU funded Project (Denmark, Finland, Germany, Slovenia): Mathematical literacy and cross curricular competencies through interdisciplinarity, mathematising and modelling science, 2006 - 2009.
  • Car Industry, Computer Technology, Information Technology and Mathematics, EU Social Fund and Ministry of Education, Science and Sport RS Project, Mathematics promotion lectures and workshops on Slovenian schools, 2005-2006.
  • Planning, teaching and analysis of school classes, EU Social Fund and Ministry of Education, Science and Sport RS Project, Lectures and workshops on Slovenian schools, 2005-2006.
  • Self-reflection in teaching, EU Social Fund and Ministry of Education, Science and Sport RS Project, Lectures and workshops on Slovenian schools, 2005-2006.
  • (et al.) International comperative study of mathematics and sciences classes in the 8th grade of primary school (study based on IEA TIMSS and TIMSS-R Video Studies), Research educational project for 2000, The Educational Research Institute (ERI), Ljubljana, 2000 - 2003.

  • Sabotaging (public) education [in SLO], Delo, 21. march 2023, st. 7; web version.
  • Sabotaging the future [in SLO], Dnevnik, Objektiv, 11. march 2023, st. 14-15; web version.
  • Interview: Conversation with professor Jože Vrabec (mathematician) [in SLO], Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, year 69, nu. 4, pg. 140-165, 2022.
  • Interview: Conversation with professor Anton Suhadolc (mathematician) [in SLO], Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, year 69, nu. 2, pg. 57-87, 2022.
  • Interview: Conversation with professor Josip Grasselli (mathematician) [in SLO], Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, year 63, nu. 3, pg. 100-113, 2016.
  • Interview: Conversation with professor Črtomir Zupančič (physicist, member of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts) [in SLO], Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, year 58, nu. 2, pg. 51-92, 2011.
  • Interview: Tomaž Schara (mathematician, businessman) [in SLO], Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, year 57, nu. 1, pg. 20-38, 2010.
  • Interview: Boris Kham (physicist, astronomer) [in SLO], Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, year 56, nu. 6, pg. 214-232, 2009.
  • Interview: Mr. Janez Golja (physicist, (former) director of National Forensic Laboratory) [in SLO], Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, year 55, nu. 4, pg. 140-160, 2008.
  • Interview: Conversation with professor Ivan Vidav (mathematician, member of Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts) [in SLO], Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, year 54, nu. 6, pg. 202-226, 2007.
  • Interview: Rudolf Moge (mathematician, former member of parlament) [in SLO], Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, year 54, nu. 2, pg. 40-48, 2007.
  • Interview: Conversation with professor Dušan Petrač (physicist, former NASA employee) [in SLO], Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, year 53, nu. 5, pg. 145-155, 2006.
  • Interview: Bojan Dremelj (mathematician, businessman) [in SLO], Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, year 53, nu. 4, pg. 119-126, 2006.

  • Calculus Between Ancient Times and Covid Pandemic (with Tine Golež), Chapter in Mathematics and Its Connections to the Arts and Sciences (MACAS), pg. 325-345, Ed. Michelsen & all., Mathematics Education in the Digital Era, ISBN # 978-3-031-10517-3, Springer, 2022.
  • Matrix zeros of polynomials, The Mathematical Gazette, Volume 104, Number 559, pg. 27-35, March 2020, Cambridge University press, 2020.
  • Linear Algebra — A Companion of Advancement in Mathematical Comprehension, Chapter in Challenges and Strategies in Teaching Linear Algebra, Ed. Stewart & all., ICME-13 Monographs, pg. 279-298, ISBN # 978-3-319-66810-9, Springer, 2018.
  • The Power of Geometry in the Concept of Proof, Proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, ICME-13 Monographs, G. Kaiser - Editor, (Conference Proceedings), pg. 735-736, Springer Open, Hamburg, 2016.
  • Mathematics between knowing and understanding, 2nd International Conference on Learning and Teaching Mathematics KUPM2014 [in SLO], (Conference Proceedings), Čatež, August 21-22, 2014, National Education Institute Slovenia, Ljubljana, 2015.
  • (et al.) Connecting transformational geometry and transformations of functions. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2013, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, 10 pg., Park City, ZDA, 2013.
  • (et al.) Geometric transformations sequence. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2013, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, 10 pg., Park City, ZDA, 2013.
  • (et al.) The use of dynamic geometry software in the teaching and learning of geometry through transformations. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2013, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, 13 pg., Park City, ZDA, 2013.
  • (with B. Hvala) Response to Peter Prelog about the situation in Slovenian Education [in SLO], Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, year 59, nu. 4, pg. 142-146, 2012.
  • Technology and simple math ideas inspire teaching. The 12th International Congress on Mathematical Education, Seul, Korea, Korea National University of Education, 7 pg., http://www.icme12.org/upload/UpFile2/WSG/0624.pdf, 2012.
  • (et al.) We dicsourage the best [in SLO], Šolski razgledi, May 12, 2011.
  • (et al.) Complex numbers in teacher education: connecting mathematics and pedagogy. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2013, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, 3 pg., Park City, ZDA, 2011.
  • (et al.) Reflections on the history of complex numbers. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2011, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, 4 pg., Park City, ZDA, 2011.
  • (et al.) A learning progression for complex numbers. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2011, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, 7 pg., Park City, ZDA, 2011.
  • (et al.) Integrating algebra and geometry with complex numbers. International Seminar in Mathematics Education 2011, Park City Mathematics Institute - Institute for Advanced Study, 9 pg., Park City, ZDA, 2011.
  • (with B. Hvala) Measuring the Quality, Discusion about the teaching of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics [in SLO], SAZU, September 22, 2010, (Collection 'Znanje kot vrednota' (The Value of Knowledge), 2), pg. 44-51. Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana, 2011.
  • Measuring the Quality (with B. Hvala) [in SLO], Šolski razgledi, no. 16, Oktober 15, 2010.
  • Measuring the Quality (with B. Hvala) [in SLO], Vzgoja 47, year XII/3, Oktober 2010.
  • Measuring the Quality (with B. Hvala) [in SLO], Obzornik za matematiko, Year 57, 4, 2010.
  • From mathematics to technology and backwards by intuition. Frontiers in science education research, International conference on science and mathematics education research, Famagusta, North Cyprus. Famagusta: Eastern Mediterranean University Press, pg. 423-431, 2009.
  • The use of technology to motivate, to present and to deepen the comprehension of math. The mathematics education into the 21st century project, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference "Models in Developing Mathematics Education", Dresden, Germany, pg. 331-332, 2009.
  • (et al.) Dinamic geometry with CaR and GeoGebra [in SLO], Proceeding, International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT, SIRIKT 2008, Kranjska Gora, pg. 746-749, 2008.
  • (et al.) Some opensource Tools in e-learning [in SLO], Proceeding, International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT, SIRIKT 2008, Kranjska Gora, pg. 750-753, 2008.
  • (et al.) Retrospection of the E-um project [in SLO], International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT, http://www.sirikt.si/fileadmin/sirikt/predstavitve/2008/sirikt-2008-zbornik.pdf, SIRIKT 2008, Kranjska Gora, pg. 321-326, 2008.
  • (et al.) The origins, the plans and E-um users feedback [in SLO], International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT, http://www.sirikt.si/fileadmin/sirikt/predstavitve/2008/sirikt-2008-zbornik.pdf, SIRIKT 2008, Kranjska Gora, pg. 327-331. 2008.
  • The arithmetic mean and car differential. Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Mathematics and its Connections to the Arts and Sciences (MACAS2), Centre for Science and Mathematics Education, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, pg. 107-116, 2008.
  • Mathematics Education in Slovenia and Abroad [in SLO], Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, Year 45, nu. 2, pg. 43-50, 1998.
  • Logos - The Beauty of Word and the Power of Reason, Proceedings, International conference, Languages in education, Ljubljana, Septembre 25-26, 2008, pg. 231-238, National Education Institute Slovenia, Ljubljana, 2008.
  • CaR, Compass and Ruler - Cognition and Redrawing [in SLO], Presek, year 35, nu. 1, pg. 28-30, nu. 2, pg. 28-29, nu. 3, pg. 29-30, nu. 4, pg. 29-30, nu. 5, pg. 28-30, nu. 6, pg. 29-30, nu. 4, pg. 29-30, nu. 5, pg. 28-30, nu. 6, pg. 29-30, 2007/2008.
  • (et al.) E-um learning in e-society. 2nd International Conference on e-Learning, New York, Reading: Academic Conferences, pg. 521-544, 2007.
  • (et al.) The content principles and axioms of E-um materials [in SLO], Proceeding, International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT, SIRIKT 2007, Kranjska Gora, pg. 250-254, 2007.
  • (et al.) E-um project and the vision of e-learning [in SLO], Proceeding, International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT, SIRIKT 2007, Kranjska Gora, pg. 254-258, 2007.
  • (et al.) Principles of didactics and common sense in e-learning environment [in SLO], Proceeding, International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT, SIRIKT 2007, Kranjska Gora, pg. 261-265, 2007.
  • (et al.) The quality management system of E-um project [in SLO], Proceeding, International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT, SIRIKT 2007, Kranjska Gora, pg. 281-285, 2007.
  • (et al.) Workshop: e-learning with RiŠ [in SLO], Proceeding, International Conference Enabling Education and Research with ICT, SIRIKT 2007, Kranjska Gora, pg. 421-423, 2007.
  • The Illusion of Objectivity or the Objectivity of Responsibility [in SLO], Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, year 54, nu. 1, pg. 18-28, 2007.
  • (et al.) International comperative study of mathematics and sciences classes in the 8th grade of primary school (study based on IEA TIMSS and TIMSS-R Video Studies) [in SLO], Research educational project for 2000, The Educational Research Institute (ERI), Ljubljana, 2003.

  • Reciprocally related primes, accepted, The Mathematical Gazette, to be published in November 2024, Cambridge University press.
  • A mathematical promenade along parallel paths, accepted, The Mathematical Gazette, to be published in November 2023, Cambridge University press.
  • Matrix zeros of polynomials, The Mathematical Gazette, Volume 104, Number 559, pg. 27-35, March 2020, Cambridge University press, 2020.
  • Inner product space and circle power. Publicationes mathematicae, vol. 81, fasc. 1-2, pg. 1-9, 2012.
  • Bijections preserving invertibility of differences of matrices on H_n. Acta mathematica Sinica, English series, vol. 24, no. 10, pg. 1651-1654, 2008.
  • Preserving diagonalisability on upper triangular matrices. Linear and Multilinear Algebra, vol. 54, no. 3, pg. 189-194, 2006.
  • Belitskii's canonical form for 5x5 upper triangular matrices under upper triangular similarity. Linear Algebra and its Applications, vol. 403, pg. 178-182, 2005.
  • K-theory, Hermitian K-theory and the Karoubi tower. K-theory, let. 17, nu. 2, pg. 113-140, 1999.
  • The Karoubi tower and K-theory invariants of Hermitian forms. K-theory, let. 17, nu. 2, pg. 141-150, 1999.
  • Comparison of lenths of closed parallel paths [in SLO], Obzornik za matematiko in fiziko, let. 43, nu. 5, pg. 129-138, 1996.
  • Karoubi tower and K theory invariants of Hermitian forms. Ph.D. thesis, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame (Indiana), ZDA, 1995.
  • (with P. Šemrl), Generalized Cauchy functional equation and characterizations of inner product spaces. Aequationes mathematicae, let. 43, pg. 183-190, 1992.
  • (with P. Šemrl), A result concerning additive maps on the set of quaternions and an application. Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, let. 44, nu. 3, pg. 477-482, 1991.
  • Lattice ordered rings [in SLO], Master's thesis, Ljubljana, 1989.
  • The commutativity of a ring with a polynomial identity [in SLO], Bachelor's thesis, Ljubljana, 1985.

  • Matrix zeros of polynomials, The Mathematical Gazette, Volume 104, Number 559, pg. 27-35, March 2020, Cambridge University press, 2020.
  • Linear Algebra — A Companion of Advancement in Mathematical Comprehension, Chapter in Challenges and Strategies in Teaching Linear Algebra, Ed. Stewart & all., ICME-13 Monographs, ISBN # 978-3-319-66810-9, Springer, 2018.
  • (et al.) I understand, therefore I shall be [in SLO], Mathematics promotional brochure, 20 pg., illstr., Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana 2014.
  • (et al.) Linear Algebra Problem book [in SLO], (Izbrana poglavja iz matematike in računalništva, 20), 146 pg., Ljubljana, DMFA - publisher, 1990, 1992, 2000, 2005, 2011, 2016.
  • Máthema [in SLO], Mathematics promotional brochure, 35 pg., illstr., Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, 2001, 2004, 2007.
  • (et al.) Mathematics for the First Year of Gymnasium [in SLO], Logic and Sets, Arithmetics, Number sets, (E-um collection, CD-ROM), Gimnazija Ptuj, 2007.
  • (et al.) Mathematics for the First Year of Primary School [in SLO], Arithmetics and Algebra, (E-um collection, CD-ROM), Gimnazija Ptuj, 2007.
  • (et al.) Mathematics for the Seventh Year of Primary School [in SLO], Arithmetics and Algebra, (E-um collection, CD-ROM), Gimnazija Ptuj, 2007.
  • (et al.) National Matura Catalogue 2009 [in SLO], Mathematics, 48 pg., National Examinations Centre, Ljubljana, 2007.
  • (et al.) National Matura Catalogue 2006 [in SLO], Mathematics, 48 pg., National Examinations Centre, Ljubljana, 2004.
  • (et al.) Business Mathematics [in ENG], 106 pg., GEA College, Portorož, 2004.
  • (et al.) Collection of Solved Matura Exam Problems 1995-2002 [in SLO], Mathematics, 212 pg., Matura exams, National Examinations Centre, Ljubljana, 2003.
  • (et al.) Collection of Solved Matura Exam Problems 1995-2000 [in SLO], Mathematics, 170 pg., National Examinations Centre, Ljubljana, 2002.
  • (et al.) Business Mathematics [in SLO], 103 pg., GEA College, Portorož, 2002.
  • (et al.) National Matura Catalogue 2004 [in SLO], Mathematics, 45 pg., National Examinations Centre, Ljubljana, 2002.
  • (et al.) National Matura Catalogue 2003 [in SLO], Mathematics, 46 pg., National Examinations Centre, Ljubljana, 2001
  • (et al.) National Matura Catalogue 2000 [in SLO], Mathematics, 48 pg., National Examinations Centre, Ljubljana, 1999.
  • (et al.) National Matura Catalogue 2001 [in SLO], Mathematics, 48 pg., National Examinations Centre, Ljubljana, 1999.
  • (et al.) National Matura Catalogue 1999 [in SLO], Mathematics, 67 pg., National Examinations Centre, Ljubljana, 1997.
  • (et al.) Derive in Mathematics Teaching [in SLO], 231 pg., Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, 1996.
  • Mathematics [in SLO], Mathematics promotional brochure, 20 pg., illstr., Mathematics Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, 1998.