Matjaž Konvalinka Home Page


Matjaž Konvalinka
Oddelek za matematiko/Department of Mathematics
Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko/Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
Univerza v Ljubljani/University of Ljubljana
Jadranska 21, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Pisarna/Office: 1.16
E-mail: matjaz.konvalinka(at)

Sem redni profesor na Oddelku za matematiko Fakultete za matematiko in fiziko Univerze v Ljubljani. Raziskovalno delujem na področju kombinatorike. Doktoriral sem na MIT, moj mentor je bil Igor Pak. Sem glavni urednik revije Annals of Combinatorics in član uredniškega odbora revij Combinatorial Theory, Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science ter Ars Mathematica Contemporanea. Skupaj z Rogerjem Behrendom in Ilse Fischer sem bil prejemnik nagrade 2019 Robbins Prize, ki jo podeljuje Ameriško matematično združenje. Bil sem predsednik organizacijskega odbora konference FPSAC 2019. Spodaj so moji članki.

I am a Professor at the Department of Mathematics at the University of Ljubljana working in combinatorics. I received my Ph.D. at MIT. My advisor was Igor Pak. I am Editor-in-Chief of Annals of Combinatorics and a member of the editorial board of Combinatorial Theory, Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science and Ars Mathematica Contemporanea. Jointly with Roger Behrend and Ilse Fischer, I was the winner of the 2019 Robbins Prize of the American Mathematical Society. I was the Chair of the FPSAC 2019 Organizing Committee. See below for my papers and preprints.

Sem LGBT koordinator na FMF. Če imaš kakšen predlog ali vprašanje, če potrebuješ podporo, nasvet glede avtiranja, pomoč, če imaš težave z družino, če si žrtev ali priča zmerjanja ali celo fizičnega nasilja, če naletiš na neprimeren odnos pri profesorju, asistentu ali drugem zaposlenem na fakulteti, se lahko oglasiš v moji pisarni (1.16 na Jadranski 21).

I am the LGBT coordinator at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics. If you have a suggestion or a question, if you need support or advice about coming out, if you need help dealing with your family, if you are a victim or witness of bullying or even physical violence, if you think that the attitude of a professor, teaching assistant or a member of the support staff is inappropriate, you can come talk to me in my office (1.16, Jadranska ulica 21).

Papers and preprints