(A meeting in Algebraic Geometry)
Brundu: Geometrical aspects of surfaces
ruled by conics
projective surfaces ruled by conics arise in a natural way in studying
four-gonal curves. In this talk we give an overview of the subject and classify
all the possible surfaces ruled by conics and their singularities. We give also
a hint of a procedure which allows us to associate to any surface ruled by
conic a ''canonical'' birational model geometrically ruled.
Anita Buckley and Tomaž Košir: Self-adjoint determinantal representations of cubic
We show that a real nonsingular cubic surface can have 0, 2, 4, 6 or 24 nonequivalent self-adjoint determinantal representations. The number depends on the Segre type F_j, j=1,...,5. Only a surface of type F_5 has defnite determinantal representations.
Mann: Orbifold cohomology of
weighted projective spaces
In 1991, Dubrovin defined the Frobenius
structure on a complex manifold. These Frobenius manifolds can be constructed
in different domain of mathematics : in quantum cohomology (A side) and on
singularity theory (B side). Mirror symmetry can be formulated in terms of an
isomorphism between Frobenius manifolds constructed from the A side and those
constructed from the B side. The first example of such a correspondence was
done by Barannikov (2000) who proved that the complex projective space of
dimension n and the Laurent polynomial x_0+
...+x+n+ (x_0 ... x_n) are mirror
partners. We can generalize this correspondence to weighted projective spaces
and some Laurent polynomial. For the A side, we use the construstions of W.Chen
and Y.Ruan on orbifolds and for the B side, we use the results of Antoine Douai
and Claude Sabbah.
Mezzetti: Congruences of lines in the
projective space and systems of conservation laws
S.Agafonov and E.Ferapontov have introduced a construction that allows one to associate naturally to every system of partial differential equations of conservation laws a congruence of lines in an appropriate projective space. In particular, to hyperbolic systems of Temple type, there correspond congruences of lines that form planar pencils of lines. The language of Algebraic Geometry turns out to be very natural in the study of these systems. In the talk, after recalling the definition and the basic facts on congruences of lines, I will illustrate the Agafonov-Ferapontov construction and some recent results related to Temple systems.
Reid: Orbifold Riemann-Roch and Plurigenera
Orbifold Riemann--Roch concerns the contributions made by cyclic quotient singularities to the dimension of cohomology groups. Simple cases include many "cyclic" phenomena of elementary mathematics, such as the number of integer points in a lattice simplex. The colloquium lecture will present an elementary but powerful formula for the Hilbert series of an orbifold with isolated cyclic quotient singularities.
Rosay: Extension of holomorphic bundles
and Serre's problem on Stein bundles
We give an example of a holomorphic fiber bundle over the unit disc, with fiber C^2 and with polynomial transition automorphisms of the fiber, whose total space fails to be Stein. Earlier examples of this type, but with a non-simply connected base or with non-polynomial fiber transition maps, were given by H. Skoda and J.-P. Demailly.