The Hirsch conjecture states that the combinatorial diameter of every convex d-polytope with n facets is bounded by n-d.
Hirsch Conjecture (1957): Let P be a convex d-polytope with n facets. Then the diameter of the graph of the polytope P is at most n-d.
Many special cases of this conjecture have been verified, and in particular,
the case of (0,1)-polytopes was settled by Naddef by an elegant proof in [1],
and further generalized in [2]. However, in the general case, the Hirsch
conjecture is known only for d
3. It is even
open if there is a polynomial upper bound on the diameter. Kalai and Kleitman
[3] found a quasi-polynomial bound by proving that the diameter is bounded by n2+log(d).
The special case of Hirsch Conjecture, the d-step conjecture, asserts
that the diameter is equal to d if the polytope has precisely 2d facets. The
d-step conjecture has been verified for d
5, and similarly
as the Hirsch Conjecture, it is completely open for higher dimensions. This has
been the situation for the past 50 years, and there is no evidence for essential
[1] D. Naddef, The Hirsch conjecture is true for (0,1)-polytopes, Math. Progr. (Ser. B) 45 (1989) 109-110.
[2] T. Matsui and S. Tamura, Adjacency on combinatorial polyhedra, Discrete Appl. Math. 56 (1995) 311-321.
[3] G. Kalai and D. J. Kleitman, A quasi-polynomial bound for the diameter of graphs of polyhedra, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 26 (1992), 315-316.
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