Raziskovalno delo / Research

Članki / Papers

1. F. Forstnerič, J. Prezelj: Oka's principle for holomorphic fiber bundles with sprays Math. Ann. 317 (2000) 1 ,

2. F. Forstnerič, J. Prezelj: Extending holomorphic sections from subvarieties, Mathematische Zeitschrift, 236 (2001)

3. F. Forstnerič, J. Prezelj: Oka's principle for holomorphic submersions with sprays, Math. Ann. 322, (2002)

4. J. Prezelj: Interpolation of embeddings of Stein manifolds over discrete sets, Math. Ann. 326 (2003)

5. J. Prezelj: Weakly holomorphic embeddings of Stein spaces with isolated singularities, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 220 (1): (2005)

6. F. Forstnerič, B. Ivarsson, F. Kutschebauch, J. Prezelj: An interpolation theorem for proper holomorphic embeddings, Math. Ann. 338 (2007)

7. J. Prezelj: A relative Oka-Grauert principle for holomorphic submersions over 1-convex spaces, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 362 (2010)

8. J. Prezelj, M. Slapar: The generalized Oka-Grauert principle for 1-convex manifolds, Michigan. Math. J. (2011)

9. J. Prezelj: Positivity of metrics on conic neighbourhoods of 1-convex submanifolds, Internat. J. of Math. No. 05. (2016)

10. J. Prezelj: $\bar{\partial}$-equation on $(p,q)$-forms on conic neighbourhoods of 1-convex manifolds, Proc. of the AMS, Volume 145, Number 10, October 2017, 4411–4421, http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/proc/13603

11. J. Prezelj, F. Vlacci: Divergence zero quaternionic vector fields and Hamming graphs, AMC 19 (2020), No.2, 189-208,

12. J. Prezelj, F. Vlacci: On a class of automorphisms in $\mathbb{H}^2$ which resemble the property of preserving volume, Math. Nachr. 294 (2021), no. 4, 815-835

13. J. Prezelj, F. Vlacci: An interpolation theorem for slice-regular functions with application to very tame sets and slice Fatou–Bieberbach domains in ${\mathbb {H}}^2,$ AMPA online (2022), DOI 10.1007/s10231-022-01195-w

14. T. Knific, M. Ocepek, A Kirbiš, B. Krt, J. Prezelj, J. M. Gethmann: Modeling Paratuberculosis Transmission in a Small Dairy Herd Typical of Slovenia Suggests That Different Models Should Be Used to Study Disease Spread in Herds of Different Sizes, Animals 2022, 12(9), 1150; DOI 10.3390/ani12091150

15. T. Knific, M. Ocepek, A Kirbiš, B. Krt, J. Prezelj, J. M. Gethmann: Quantitative Risk Assessment of Exposure to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) via Different Types of Milk for the Slovenian Consumer, Foods 2022, 11(10), 1472; DOI 10.3390/foods11101472, nagrajen članek - Odlični v znanosti 2022

16. G. Gentili, J.Prezelj, F. Vlacci: Slice conformality and Riemann manifolds on quaternions and octonions, Math.Z., August 2nd 2022, DOI 10.1007/s00209-022-03079-4

Predavanja / Talks

1. Embeddings of Stein manifolds with interpolation on discrete sets, Univerza v Baslu, februar 2000

2. Embeddings of Stein manifolds with interpolation on discrete sets, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, marec 2000

3. Embeddings of Stein manifolds with interpolation on discrete sets, University of Wisconsin, Madison, april 2000

4. Extending holomorphic sections from subvarieties, Biholomorphic mappings conference, AIM Palo Alto, California, USA, 30. julij - 5. avgust 2000

5. Oka-Grauertov princip, Matematični kolokviji DMFA, 10. januar 2008

6. Relative Oka-Grauert principle on 1-convex spaces. Rostanga: Lunds universitet, 6. 5. 2011.

7. Conic neighbourhoods in 1-convex spaces. Krems, OMG tagung, 25. 9. 2011

8. Positivity on conic neighbourhoods. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 18.9.2013

9. Curvature in complex analysis. International conference on graph theory and combinatorics, Rogla, Slovenija, 16. - 18.5. 2014

10. Positivity. Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway, 12.9.2014

11. H-principle Houat 2015 Workshop, June 15-19, 2015, Île-d'Houat, Bretagne, France, H-principle in complex analysis : [Île-d'Houat, 18. in 19. 6. 2015 (dve enourni predavanji)]

12. Positivity of metrics, May 2 - 6, 2016, Complex Analysis and Complex Geometry Workshop, Banff, Canada

13. Positivity of metrics, Frontiers of elliptic holomorphic geometry, Jevnaker Norway, 10.10. - 14.10., 2016

14. On 1-convex spaces, First Central European Complex Analysis Meeting, 20.10.2017-21.10.2017

15. An introduction to the Oka-Grauert Principle, DiMaI, Florence, 23.1.-26.1.2018

16. On a class of volume preserving automorphisms in $\mathbb{H}^2$, Workshop on Holomorphic Mappings and Complex Geometry, Sanya, 14.1.-18.1.2019

17. On the extension problem on 1-convex spaces, Univerza v Wuppertalu, 2.4.2019

18. Divergence zero quaternionic vector fields, Ciclo di seminari “Hypercomplex function theory and applications”, 11.1.2021

19. Quaternionic Riemann surface and quaternionic logarithm - Part I, Quaternioni sul Conero III, Ancona, 9 - 10. 9. 2021

20. Quaternionic logarithm, $*$-logarithm and related topics, "Complex Analysis and Geometry - XXVI" , Levico, 19.-23. 9. 2022