Molekula 6-tiogvanina
in spekter dvojne resonance 1H-14N v trdni substanci
resonančne frekvence 14N v molekulskem kristalu zrcalijo strukturo
molekule, porazdelitev elektronov v molekuli in intra ter intermolekularne
kemijske vezi. Z merjenjem kvadrupolnih resonančnih frekvenc 14N
lahko karakteriziramo farmacevtske substance, ugotavljamo njihovo kvaliteto,
razlikujemo med kristalnimi polimorfi iste snovi itd.
1. J. Seliger, V.
Žagar, 14N nuclear quadrupole resonance study of the structural
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2. J. N.
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3. J. N. Latosinska, J. Seliger, V. Grechishkin,
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9. J. N. Latosinska, J. Seliger, V. Žagar, D. V.
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10. J. Pirnat ,
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11. J. N. Latosinska, M.
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14. J. Latosińska, M. Latosińska, M. Tomczak, J. Seliger, V. Žagar,
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15. J.N.Latosińska, J.Seliger, V.Žagar, D.V.Burchardt, A
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J. N. Latosińska, M. Latosińska , J.
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J.N. Latosińska, M. Latosińska,
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J. Seliger, V. Žagar, M. Latosińska,
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J. Seliger, V. Žagar, Nuclear
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J. Seliger, V. Žagar, T. Asaji,
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J. Seliger, V. Žagar, Hydrogen Bonds in Cocrystals and Salts of 2-Amino-4,6-
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J. Seliger, V. Žagar, Crystallization of an amorphous
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J. N. Latosińska, M. Latosińska,
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28. J. N. Latosińska, M.
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J. N. Latosińska, M. Latosińska,
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30. J. N. Latosińska, M.
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31. J.
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J. N. Latosińska, Polymorphism and
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32. A. Gregorovič, T.
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33. J. N. Latosinska, M.
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34. T. Apih, V. Žagar, J.
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35. Z. Trontelj, J. Pirnat, V.
Jazbinšek, J. Lužnik, S. Srčič, Z. Lavrič, S. Beguš,
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36. J. N. Latosinska, M.
Latosinska, J. Seliger, V. Žagar, T. Apih, P. Grieb,
Elucidating the Role of Noncovalent
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against Various Human RNA Viruses; a 1H-14N
DFT/QTAIM/RDS/3D Hirshfeld Surfaces Combined Study
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37. J. N. Latosinska, M.
Latosinska, J. Seliger, V. Žagar, Exploring Partial
Structural Disorder in Anhydrous Paraxanthine
Through Combined
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Modelling, and Molecular Docking
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