Fig 3: The nmr microimages obtained with the different currents (I=0.8 A-5.6 A) and PGSE sequence
with delta=1 ms and Delta=3.6 ms respectively. The increasing current
expands the region with the shape of butterfly wings which due to anisotropic
spin echo attenuation in liquid crystal.
Fig. 4: Basic equations of anisotropic spin echo attenuation together
with a schematic representation of the lamellar phase in a AOT[bis(2-ethylhexyl)
sodium sulfosuccinate]/water in which the lamelae are presumed to be concentic cylinders aligned parallel to the surface,
thus enabling free azimuthal diffusion and hindered radial diffusion. Calculated echo amplitude is
based on a diffusion anisotropy (DII/Dp) of 20.