Compact maps and quasi-finite complexes The simplest condition characterizing quasi-finite CW complexes K is the implication X\tau_h K implies \beta(X)\tau K for all paracompact spaces X. Here are the main results of the paper: Theorem: If {K_s}_{s in S} is a family of pointed quasi-finite complexes, then their wedge \bigvee\limits_{s in S}K_s$ is quasi-finite. Theorem: If K_1 and K_2 are quasi-finite countable complexes, then their join K_1*K_2 is quasi-finite. Theorem: For every quasi-finite CW complex K there is a family {K_s}_{s in S} of countable CW complexes such that \bigvee\limits_{s in S} K_s is quasi-finite and is equivalent, over the class of paracompact spaces, to K. Theorem: Two quasi-finite CW complexes K and L are equivalent over the class of paracompact spaces if and only if they are equivalent over the class of compact metric spaces. Quasi-finite CW complexes lead naturally to the concept of X\tau F, where F is a family of maps between CW complexes. We generalize some well-known results of extension theory using that concept.