Sublinear Higson Corona and Lipschitz Extensions The purpose of the paper is to characterize the dimension of sublinear Higson corona \nu_L(X) of X in terms of Lipschitz extensions of functions: Theorem: Suppose (X,d) is a proper metric space. The dimension of the sublinear Higson corona \nu_L(X) of X is the smallest integer m>=0 with the following property: Any norm-preserving asymptotically Lipschitz function f': A -> R^{m+1}, A subset of X, extends to a norm-preserving asymptotically Lipschitz function g': X -> R^{m+1}. One should compare it to the result of Dranishnikov who characterized the dimension of the Higson corona \nu(X) of X is the smallest integer n>=0 such that R^{n+1} is an absolute extensor of X in the asymptotic category A (that means any proper asymptotically Lipschitz function f: A -> R^{n+1}, A closed in X, extends to a proper asymptotically Lipschitz function f': X -> R^{n+1}). Dranishnikov introduced the category \tilde{A} whose objects are pointed proper metric spaces X and morphisms are asymptotically Lipschitz functions f: X -> Y such that there are constants b,c > 0 satisfying |f(x)| >= c |x|-b for all x in X. We show dim(\nu_L(X)) <= n if and only if R^{n+1} is an absolute extensor of X in the category \tilde{A}. As an application we reprove the following result of Dranishnikov and Smith: Theorem: Suppose (X,d) is a proper metric space of finite asymptotic Assouad-Nagata dimension asdim_{AN}(X). If X is cocompact and connected, then asdim_{AN}(X) equals the dimension of the sublinear Higson corona \nu_L(X) of X.