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<!--[[en:Some publications]]--> [[sl:Nekaj objav]] * G. Jaklič, J. Kozak, M. Krajnc, V. Vitrih, E. Žagar, [ High order parametric polynomial approximation of conic sections], submitted. * J. Kozak, V. Vitrih, [ Newton-Cotes cubature rules over (d+1)-pencil lattices], J. Comput. Appl. Math., 231 (2009), pp. 392-402. The original publication at [ the link]. * G. Jaklič, J. Kozak, [ On cell reducing for determining the dimension of the bivariate spline space $S_n^1(\triangle)$], submitted. * G. Jaklič, J. Kozak, M. Krajnc, V. Vitrih, E. Žagar, [ On Interpolation by Planar Cubic G^2 Pythagorean-hodograph Spline Curves], Math. Comput., 79 (2010), pp. 305-326. The original publication at [ the link]. * G. Jaklič, J. Kozak, M. Krajnc, V. Vitrih, E. Žagar, [ Lattices on simplicial partitions], to appear in J. Comput. Appl. Math. The original publication at [ the link]. * G. Jaklič, J. Kozak, M. Krajnc, V. Vitrih, E. Žagar, [ Geometric Lagrange Interpolation by Planar Cubic Pythagorean-hodograph Curves], Comput. Aided Geom. Des., 25 (2008), pp. 720-728. The original publication at [ the link]. * G. Jaklič, J. Kozak, M. Krajnc, V. Vitrih, E. Žagar, [ Barycentric coordinates for Lagrange interpolation over lattices on a simplex], Numerical Algorithms, 48 (2008), pp. 93-104. The original publication at [], follow [ the link]. * G. Jaklič, J. Kozak, M. Krajnc, V. Vitrih, E. Žagar, [ On geometric Lagrange interpolation by quadratic parametric patches], Comput. Aided Geom. Des., 25 (2008), pp. 373-384. The original publication at [ the link]. * G. Jaklič, J. Kozak, M. Krajnc, E. Žagar, [ Approximation of circular arcs by parametric polynomial curves], Annali dellUniversita di Ferrara, 53 (2007), pp. 271-279. The original publication at [ the link]. * G. Jaklič, J. Kozak, M. Krajnc, V. Vitrih, E. Žagar, [ Three-pencil lattices on triangulations], Numer. Algor., 45 (2007), pp. 49-60. The original publication at [], follow [ the link]. * J. Kozak, M. Krajnc, [ Geometric interpolation by planar cubic G<sup>1</sup> splines], BIT Numerical Mathematics, 47 (2007), pp. 547-563. The original publication at [], follow [ the link]. * G. Jaklič, J. Kozak, M. Krajnc, E. Žagar, [ On geometric interpolation by planar parametric polynomial curves], Math. Comput., 76 (2007), pp. 1981-1993. The original publication at [ the link]. * G. Jaklič, J. Kozak,, M. Krajnc, E. Žagar, [ On geometric interpolation of circle-like curves], Comput. Aided Geom. Des., 24 (2007), pp. 241-251. The original publication at [ the link]. * J. Kozak, M. Krajnc, [ Geometric interpolation by planar cubic polynomial curves], Comput. Aided Geom. Des., 24 (2007), pp. 67-78. The original publication at [ the link]. * J. Kozak, E. Žagar, [ Geometric interpolation of data in R<sup>3</sup>]. In: Z. Drmač, M. Marušić, Z. Tutek (eds.), Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Springer, Dordrecht, 2005, pp. 245-252. The original publication at [], follow [ the link]. * G. Jaklič, J. Kozak, [ On the dimension of bivariate spline space S<sub>3</sub><sup>1</sup>(Δ)]. In: Z. Drmač, M. Marušić, Z. Tutek (eds.), Proceedings of the Conference on Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computing, Springer, Dordrecht, 2005, pp. 245-252. The original publication at [], follow [ the link]. * J. Kozak, E. Žagar, [ On geometric interpolation by polynomial curves], SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 42 (2004), pp. 953-967. The original publication at [ the link]. * F. Forstnerič, J. Kozak, [ Strongly pseudoconvex handlebodies], J. Korean Math. Soc., 40 (2003), pp. 727-745. The original publication at [ the link]. * J.S. Deng, Y.Y. Feng, J. Kozak, [ A note on the dimension of the bivariate spline space over the Morgan-Scott tringulation], SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 37 (2000), pp. 1021-1028. The original publication at [ the link]. * Z.B. Chen, Y.Y. Feng, J. Kozak, [ The blossom approach to the dimension of the bivariate spline space], J. Comput. Math., 18 (2000), pp. 183-198. * J. Kozak, E. Žagar, [ On curve interpolation in R<sup>d</sup>]. In: A. Cohen, C. Rabut, L. L. Schumaker (eds.), Curve and Surface Fitting, Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, 2000, pp. 263-272. * Y.Y. Feng, J. Kozak, [ On spline interpolation of space data]. In: M. Dahlen, T. Lyche, L. L. Schumaker (eds.), Mathematical Methods for Curves and Surfaces II, Vanderbilt University Press, Nashville, 1998, pp. 167-174. <!-- * F.L. Chen, Y.Y. Feng, J. Kozak, Tracing a planar algebraic curve. Gao-xiao yingyong shuxue xuebao, 12B (1997), pp. 15-24. --> * Y.Y. Feng, J. Kozak, [ On G<sup>2</sup> continuous cubic spline interpolation], BIT Numerical Mathematics, 27 (1997), pp. 312-332. The original publication at [], follow [ the link]. * F.L. Chen, J. Kozak, [ On computing zeros of a bivariate Bernstein polynomial], J. Comput. Math., 14 (1996), pp. 237-248. * Y.Y. Feng, J. Kozak, [ The theorem on the B-B polynomials defined on a simplex in the blossoming form], J. Comput. Math., 14 (1996), pp. 64-70. * Y.Y. Feng, J. Kozak, [ On G<sup>2</sup> continuous interpolatory composite quadratic Bézier curves], J. Comput. Appl. Math., 72 (1996), pp. 141-159. * Y.Y. Feng, J. Kozak, M. Zhang, [ On the dimension of the C<sup>1</sup> spline space for the Morgan-Scott triangulation from the blossoming approach.] In: F. Fontanella, K. Jetter, J. P. Laurent (eds.), Advanced Topics in Multivariate Approximation, World Scientific, 1996, pp. 71-86. * J. Kozak, [ On the choice of the exterior knots in the B-spline basis,] J. China Univ. Sci. Tech. 25 (1995), pp. 172--178. <!-- * Y.Y. Feng, J. Kozak, On convexity and Schoenberg's variation diminishing splines. Zhongguo Kexue Jishu Daxue xueb., 1994, let. 24, št. 2, pp. 129-134. --> * F.L. Chen, J. Kozak, [ The intersection of a triangular Bézier patch and a plane], J. Comput. Math., 12 (1994), pp. 138-146. The original publication at [ the link]. * Y.Y. Feng, J. Kozak, [ Cutting corners preserves Lipschitz continuity], Gao-xiao yingyong shuxue xuebao, 9 (1994), pp. 31-34. * Y.Y. Feng, J. Kozak, [ Asymptotic expansion formula for Bernstein polynomials defined on a simplex], Constr. Approx., 8 (1992), pp. 49-58. The original publication at [], follow [ the link]. <!-- * Y.Y. Feng, J. Kozak, The convexity of families of adjoint patches for a Bézier triangular surface. J. Comput. Math., 1991, let. 9, št. 4, pp. 301-304. * Y.Y. Feng, J. Kozak, An approach to the interpolation of nonuniformly spaced data, J. Comput. Appl. Math., 23 (1988), pp. 169-178. * J. Kozak, Shape preserving approximation. Comput. Ind., 7 (1986), pp. 435-440. * Y.Y. Feng, J. Kozak, L [sub] [infinity] -lower bound of L [sub] 2-projections onto splines on a geometric mesh. J. approx. theory, 1982, let. 35, št. 1, pp. 64-76. * Y.Y. Feng, J. Kozak, On the generalized Euler-Frobenius polynomial. J. Approx. Theory, 1981, let. 32, št. 4, pp. 327-338. -->
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