Research of Tomaž Košir



Research interests


My interests are in applications of algebra (commutative and associative) and algebraic geometry to the problems in linear algebra and partial differential equations. Major part of my published work is in multiparameter spectral theory, but I am also interested in a number of related problems in the areas of commuting matrices, commuting varieties, representations of commutative zero-dimensional algebras, matrix groups and semigroups,  and others. My interests were greatly influenced by concrete applied problems. I also help in developing numerical algorithms that can be applied to such problems.


Recently, I joint also a group that is interested in modelling dependencies via copula theory. One of our interests is in modelling dependencies in shock models.



Editorial work:


In the period 2008-2014, I was a member of the editorial board of the Rendiconti dell’Istituto di Matematica dell’Università di Trieste: An International Journal of Mathematics that is published since 1969.



Selected Publications:


On commuting matrices:


Multiparameter eigenvalue problems:


On copula theory:


Determinantal varieties and determinantal representations:


Other topics:



Link to the complete bibliography



Help in organizing meetings



I helped in organizing a series of workshops Linear Algebra Workshop (LAW) in Slovenia from 1996 until 2017.

The 7th LAW was organized in conjuction with the 23rd International Workshop on Matrices and Statistics (IWMS), Ljubljana, June 8-12, 2014.

The 4th LAW was held in conjunction with the Conference in Honor of Heydar Radjavi’s 70th Birthday in Bled, Slovenia, in May 2005.


The 9th LAW will take place in Portorož, Slovenia, June 2-6, 2025.



We also organized Summer schools in financial mathematics in Ljubljana in September 2009 and in August/September 2011, and 5th General Conference in Advanced Mathematical Methods in Finance in Bled, Slovenia, May 4 – 8, 2010. The latter was organized as a part of the AMaMeF scientific program sponsored by the European Science Foundation (ESF).



With researchers from the Universities of Trieste and Udine, and SISSA with ICTP we organized one day meetings in Algebraic Geometry. TULS I in 2003 and TULS IV in 2006 were held in Ljubljana. In 2010 also the University of Ferrara joined the group. TULSF VIII was held in September 2013 in Ljubljana.