Bibliography of Tomaž Košir:
- Common Jordan Chains of Matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications 99
(1988), 253-258. pdf
- On the Structure of Commutative Matrices I & II,
Linear Algebra and its Applications 187
(1993), 163-182 and 261 (1997), 293-305. pdf1 pdf2
- The Finite-dimensional Multiparameter Spectral theory
: The Nonderogatory Case, Linear Algebra and its
Applications 212/213 (1994), 45-70. pdf
- with P.
Binding : Second Root Vectors for Multiparameter Eigenvalue
Problems of Fredholm Type, Transactions Amer. Math. Soc. 348
(1996), 229-249. pdf
- with L. Grunenfelder : An Algebraic Approach to
Multiparameter Spectral Theory, Transactions
Amer. Math. Soc. 348 (1996), 2983-2998. pdf
- with L. Grunenfelder : Coalgebras and Spectral Theory in One and Several
Parameters, Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 87
(1996), 177-192. pdf
- Kronecker Bases for Linear Matrix Equations, with Applications to
Two-parameter Eigenvalue Problems, Linear Algebra and its Applications
249 (1996), 259-288. pdf
- with L. Grunenfelder, R. Guralnick, and H. Radjavi
: Permutability of Characters on Algebras, Pacific Journal of
Mathematics 178 (1997), 63-70. pdf
- with L. Grunenfelder : On a
Representation of Commuting Maps by Tensor Products, Linear
Algebra and its Applications 251 (1997), 215-222. pdf
- with M. Omladič
and H. Radjavi: Maximal Semigroups Dominated
by 0 - 1 Matrices, Semigroup Forum 54 (1997), 175-189.
- with L. Grunenfelder: Koszul Cohomology for
Comodule Maps and Applications, Communications
in Algebra 25 (1997), 459-479.
- with L. Grunenfelder : Geometric Aspects of Multiparameter Spectral Theory,
Transactions Amer. Math. Soc. 350 (1998), 2525-2546. pdf
- with L. Grunenfelder, M. Omladič, and H. Radjavi:
On Groups Generated by Elements of Prime Order, Geometriae
Dedicata 75 (1999), 317-332. pdf
- with T. Bhattacharyya: On Commuting Compact Self-adjoint
Operators on a Pontryagin Space,
Integr. Eq. Op. Theory 39
(2001), 377-386. pdf
- with L. Grunenfelder, M. Omladič, and
H. Radjavi: Maximal Jordan Algebras of
Matrices with Bounded Number of Eigenvalues, Israel Journal of
Mathematics, 128 (2002), 53-75. pdf
- with B.
Plestenjak: On stability of invariant subspaces of commuting
matrices, Linear Algebra and its Applications
342 (2002), 133-147. pdf
- with T. Bhattacharyya and B. Plestenjak: Right Definite
Multiparameter Sturm-Liouville Problems with Eigenparameter
Dependent Boundary Conditions, Proceedings
Edinb. Math. Soc. (2) 45
(2002), 565-578. pdf
- with J.
Bernik, R.
Drnovšek, M. Omladič, and
H. Radjavi:
Irreducible semigroups of matrices with eigenvalue one, Semigroup Forum
67 (2003), 271-287.
- The Cayley-Hamilton Theorem and Inverse Problems for Multiparameter
Systems, Linear Algebra and its Applications 367 (2003),
155-163. pdf
- with P. Binding: Root Vectors for Geometrically Simple
Two-Parameter Eigenvalues, Transactions Amer. Math. Soc. 356
(2004), 1705-1726. pdf
- Root Vectors for Geometrically Simple Multiparameter Eigenvalues, Integr. Eq. Op. Theory 48 (2004),
365-396. pdf
- with R. Drnovšek: Irreducible Operator Semigroups such that
AB and BA are proportional, Linear
Algebra and its Applications. Special Issue in honor of Heydar Radjavi.
Vol. 383 (2004), 113-118. pdf
- with M.E.
Hochstenbach and B. Plestenjak: A
Jacobi-Davidson Type Method for the Two-Parameter Eigenvalue Problem, SIAM
J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 26
(2004/05), 477-497. pdf
- with B.A. Sethuraman:
Varieties Over Truncated Polynomial Rings, Journal of Pure and Applied
Algebra 195 (2005), 75-95. pdf
- with J. Bernik, R. Drnovšek, T.J.
Laffey, G. MacDonald,
R. Meshulam,
M. Omladič, and H. Radjavi: Common fixed points and common eigenvectors for sets of matrices,
Linear and Multilinear Algebra 53 (2005), 137-146.
- with B.A. Sethuraman: A Groebner basis for the 2 x 2
determinantal ideal mod t
Journal of Algebra 292 (2005), 138-153, pdf.
- Semitransitivity Working Group at LAW'05,
Bled: Semitransitive
subspaces of matrices, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 15 (2006),
225-238. pdf
- with A. Buckley:
Determinantal representations of smooth cubic surfaces, Geometria Dedicata
125 (2007), 115-140. pdf
- J.
Holbrook, J.-P. Schoch: Moving
zeros among matrices. Appendix by T. Košir and B. A. Sethuraman. Linear Algebra and its Applications
424 (2007), 83–95. pdf
- with D. Kokol-Bukovšek, N. Novak, and
P. Oblak: Products
of commuting nilpotent operators, Electronic Journal
of Linear Algebra 16
(2007), 237-247. pdf.
to the article
- with J.
Bernik, R.
Drnovšek, L.
Livshits, M.
Mastnak, M. Omladič,
and H. Radjavi:
Approximate permutability of traces on semigroups of matrices,
Operators & Matrices 1 (2007),
4, 455–467. pdf
- with J. Bernik, R.
Drnovšek, D. Kokol-Bukovšek, and M. Omladič:
Reducibility and triangularizability of semitransitive operator spaces.
Houston Journal of Mathematics, 34 (2008),
- with K. Cvetko-Vah,
Kokol-Bukovšek, G.
Kudryavtseva, Y. Lavrenyuk, and A. Oliynyk: Semitransitive and transitive subsemigroups of the inverse symmetric
semigroups. Semigroup Forum 78 (2009),
138–147. arXiv
- with P. Oblak: On pairs of commuting
nilpotent matrices. Transform. Groups
14 (2009),
175–182. arXiv
- with J.
Bernik, G. Cigler, R. Drnovšek, A. Jafarian, D.
Kokol-Bukovšek, M. Kramar Fijavž, G. Kudryavtseva,
T. Laffey, L. Livshits,
G. Macdonald, M. Omladič, H. Radjavi, and P. Rosenthal: Semigroups of operators with nonnegative diagonals. Linear
algebra appl. 433 (2010), 2080-2087.
- with K.
Cvetko-Vah, D.
Kokol-Bukovšek, and G. Kudryavtseva:
Semitransitive subsemigroups
of the singular part of the finite
symmetric inverse semigroup. Acta math. Hung. 131 (2011), no. 1-2, 1-24. arXiv
- with A. Buckley. Plane curves as Pfaffians. Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, Classe di Scienze
10 (2011), no. 2, 363-388. pdf
- with
J. Bernik, R.
Drnovšek, D. Kokol-Bukovšek, M. Omladič,
and H. Radjavi: On semitransitive
Jordan algebras of matrices. Journal
of Algebra and Applications. 10
(2011), no. 2, 319-333.
- with L. Grunenfelder, M. Omladič, and H. Radjavi:
Finite groups with submultiplicative spectra. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
216 (2012), no. 5, 1196-1206. arXiv
- with A. Buckley: Simultaneously self-adjoint sets
of 3 x 3 matrices. Rendiconti dell’Istituto
di Matematica dell’Universitŕ
di Trieste, vol. 47 (2015), 81-105. Dedicated to
Emilia Mezzetti. pdf
- with M.
Omladič: Normalized tight vs. general
frames in sampling problems. Advances in Operator Theory 2 (2017), no. 2, 114–125.
- with M. Omladič: Reflected maxmin copulas and modeling quadrant subindependence. Fuzzy
Sets and Systems 378 (2020), 125-143. arXiv
- with D. Kokol Bukovšek, B. Mojškerc, and
M. Omladič: Asymmetric
linkages: Maxmin vs. reflected maxmin copulas. Fuzzy Sets and
Systems 393 (2020), 75-95. arXiv
- with D.
Kokol Bukovšek, B. Mojškerc,
and M. Omladič: Non-exchangeability of copulas
arising from shock models, Journal of Computational and Applied
Mathematics 358 (2019), 61–83. (See also Erratum published in
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 365 (2020)
112419, 1 p. Corrected version at
- with D. Kokol Bukovšek, B. Mojškerc, and
M. Omladič: Relation between
non-exchangeability and measures of concordance of copulas, J. Math.
Anal. Appl. 487, no. 1 (2020), 123951, 26 pp. arXiv
- with D. Kokol Bukovšek, B. Mojškerc, and M. Omladič: Spearman's footrule
and Gini's gamma: Local bounds for bivariate copulas and the exact
region with respect to Blomqvist's beta. Journal of Computational and
Applied Mathematics.390 (2021), 113385, 23 pp. arXiv
- with D. Kokol Bukovšek, M. Omladič and N. Stopar: Extending sub-quasi-copulas. J. Math.
Anal. Appl. 500 (2021), no. 1, Paper No. 125099, 16 pp.
- with M Omladič:
Singular components of shock model copulas. Journal of Computational
and Applied Mathematics. 400 (2022) Paper
No. 113749.
- with D. Kokol Bukovšek, B. Mojškerc, and
M. Omladič. Extreme generators of shock
induced copulas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. 429 (2022), Paper
No. 127214, 16 pp.
- with B. Plestenjak. On
the singular two-parameter eigenvalue problem II. Linear Algebra and its
Applications. 649 (2022), 433–451. arXiv
- with M. E. Hochstenbach and B. Plestenjak: Numerical methods
for rectangular multiparameter eigenvalue problems, with applications to
finding optimal ARMA and LTI models. Numerical Linear Algebra and its
Applications. 31 (2024), Issue 2, Paper No. e2540. open
- with D. Kokol Bukovšek, B. Mojškerc and M. Omladič: Extending
multivariate sub-quasi-copulas. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and its
Applications, 540 (2024), Paper No. 128582. open access
- with E. Peronne:
Discrete imprecise copulas. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 504
(2025), Paper No. 109251, 20 pp. open access
- with J. Irving and M.
Mastnak. A proof of the Box Conjecture for commuting pairs of
matrices. arXiv