D. Ponikvar, STM32F407 project

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This page hosts a project on the use of a microcontroller STM32F407. Hardware and software examples are presented in the following files.

The left half of the table implements direct access to microcontroller registers, as usual for microcontroller programming. The software examples are based on a dedicated board described in chapter 2, with gerber files for production given beside.

The right half of the table implement CMSIS based access to microcontroller configuration registers, as provided by ST to ease programming and portability. These software examples are based on a STM32F4 Discovery board (about 18€, every student can afford one for his afternoon hobby). Since this board may be to fragile to be used by course participants of different skills, a BaseBoard with some protection circuitry and cheap connectors was added. This board is described in chapter 2, with gerber files for production given beside. However, the software examples are fully functional even without the BaseBoard.

Direct access, dedicated test board
Source files CMSIS based access,
STM32F4 Discovery board & dedicated Base board
Source files
1 Introduction - Introduction -
2 Board description gerber files BaseBoard description gerber files
3 Programming - Programming -
4 The use of ports c-source The use of ports c-source, CUBE-source
5 Alphanumeric LCD c-source Alphanumeric LCD c-source, CUBE-source
6 Stepper motor c-source Stepper motor c-source, CUBE-source
7 Digital to analog converter c-source Digital to analog converter c-source, CUBE-source
8 Analog to digital converter c-source Analog to digital converter c-source, CUBE-source
9 Counting pulses by a timer c-source Counting pulses by a timer c-source, CUBE-source
10 Interrupts and ports c-source Interrupts and ports c-source, CUBE-source
11 Interrupts and timer c-source Interrupts and timer c-source, CUBE-source
12 Periodical interrupts and ADC/DAC c-source1
Periodical interrupts and ADC/DAC c-source1, CUBE-source
c-source2, CUBE-source
13 The use of circular buffer The use of circular buffer c-source, CUBE-source
14 Serial communication - RS232 c-source Serial communication - RS232 c-source, CUBE-source
15 Serial communication and sampling c-source Serial communication and sampling c-source, CUBE-source
16 Signal generation using DDS c-source Signal generation using DDS c-source, CUBE-source
17 Serial communication - I2C c-source Serial communication - I2C c-source, CUBE-source
18 Serial communication - SPI     c-source Serial communication - SPI c-source, CUBE-source
19 Filtering of signals, on-line, FIR c-source1
Filtering of signals, on-line, FIR c-source1, CUBE-source
c-source2, CUBE-source
c-source3, CUBE-source
20 Filtering of signals, on-line, IIR     c-source Filtering of signals, on-line, IIR c-source, CUBE-source
21 PID control c-source PID control c-source, CUBE-source
22 PLL and frequency demodulation c-source PLL and frequency demodulation c-source, CUBE-source
23     Lock-in detection c-source, CUBE-source
24     Phase demodulation c-source, CUBE-source
25     AM radio receiver c-source, CUBE-source
26     Frequency meter using timers c-source, CUBE-source
27     DC motor using PWM c-source, CUBE-source
28     A coin detector - phase measurements c-source, CUBE-source
      DMA based serial port c-source, CUBE-source
      DMA based fast ADC sampling c-source, CUBE-source

Local include directory -
to be used with the IAR EWB
- Base content of a directory: the modified source and include files, to be used with IAR EWB -
Complete project with all examples
(!long zip file!)
- Complete project with all examples
(!long zip file!)

The list will be expanded as new experiments are documented. The text will be edited and the English improved once the author finds time to do it.

Keywords: STM32F4xx, STM32F407, project, experiment, example, programming,